Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Letter No.8

Nurnburg, Germany
July 6th 1951

"Mien Kitten,
We have just finished our weekly party, sometimes called a "G.I. Party". You've heard about these parties, I'm sure, but in case you haven't here goes. A few of the fellows get together and sweep, mop, dust, shine, polish and buff each and every item in their respective rooms. Sounds like fun, doesn't it. Well, actually, I can't understand why they call them parties  because there is a lot of work involved. I sympathize with the housewife as I know what a job she has.
    Got another letter from you today and believe me honey, your letters are much appreciated. As I've told you before, if no one wrote me except you I would never complain. In your letter you say it has been eleven days since you received one from me. I'm sorry that the mail service is so slow. Seldom does a day lapse that I don't write you. The letter may not say much except that I love you and I'm thinking about you, but if you feel the same as I, that's really all that matters.
    You were asking if Hump and I were still together. The answer is yes. Also you asked what has happened to Molly and him. Question, what has happened to Molly? Hump writes her practically every day and he has gotten only two from her since we left. I can imagine how I would feel if you were the same way about writing.
    You spoke about the terrific heat wave back there.  Over here it's very pleasant all the time.  Seldom does the temp. exceed 75 degrees and at night we have to use our blankets.  Personally though, I prefer hot weather.
    Sure would like to see you in your two new dresses.  I'm glad to hear that you and Marlene had a good time in Memphis.  We were in high school at the same time, but in different classes.
    It's eleven p.m. and I still have to shave and clean up, besides tidying up my footlocker, so I'll have to say goodnight, sweetheart.
    I miss you, Charlene,

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