Thursday, August 12, 2010

You'll Never Know

It was always just you...and now you're gone.
Where are you...are you okay?
There's never a moment when I'm not thinking of you
   remembering  remembering remembering
Everything is in the past.
I want to see you, I want to hear your voice,
I want to hold your hand and feel your touch.
You were a part of me and now  that large part of me is empty
   and it hurts.
I miss you so much and
  you'll never know

1 comment:

  1. Hey my friend from a long time ago in the big city of Corsicana! I am the anonymous person on the comments as I am not as smart and creative as you are on this technology stuff and wish you were close by to teach me, but I know you are where you need to be so Barbara & family can be near you. I loved all the pcitures of the"Full House". Don't ever apologize for what you are bring back a lot of memories for me, too. Love you girl and wish I could come over for a visit. Going to see what I can work out! Jo Ann


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