Friday, October 16, 2009

Todays agenda

Thirty pounds lighter than five months ago....that's Bob, not me (tho I'm the only one in this duo that needs to lose weight)...

Today we made another, of many, trips over to Baylor, Plano to see one of Bob's doctors. His cough has worsened, he has had headaches, and dizziness when he stands up (tho this is not something new.) The good news is he has no infection and no pneumonia...the bad news is the cough is caused by all the drainage and secretions that he has and most likely won't become a thing of the past until his trech opening heals and closes completely...and as soon as he is able to swallow again the secretions should least, that's the plan! The dizziness when he stands is probably because his blood pressure drops (or lowers...can't remember which) when he gets he spends about 95% of each day lying or sitting down.

I had to reschedule the MRI that he was suppose to have today because of his constant's on again for next Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. WOO-HOO. Another victory. great day for the boys. Hope your day was good. Love you both.Blessings


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