Sunday, December 6, 2009

like Sundays past

I don't know if it was because he was sick and tired of laying on the couch all day and never going anywhere except to see his doctors, or if he really felt like getting out,..but ...Eddie drove us over to Canton to Laura's today...about a 70 mile drive...We have not been able to go over for a visit since  before he got sick... 6 months. It rained all day and was very cold but he was determined....and I'm glad he was good for him to do something different.

We were up a couple of times last night and at 7am I fed him .....then we both went to sleep again and didn't get up 'til 11 am...he said then that he wanted to get out of the house today..
Laura had been over here yesterday...spent the day...she and I ran errands  while Herk stayed with his dad..A little teary-eyed she shared with me how hard it was for us to be leaving...the fact that her mother and father might never be in her home again. She's happy for us and feels it will be better for us to be in Alabama, and she's glad for  Barbara to have us close  now.... for the last  21 years we've been here in Texas and even before that, ever since Barbara married, she has  lived in Alabama and we in Chicago and Dallas.
  that said, when Bob said that he wanted to go out today I suggested we go to Laura's if he was up to it.

We got there around 2pm...
 enjoyed a nice warm fire...some home-made chicken pot pie...and a visit with our grandchildren

We arived back home at 5pm...both a bit tired...he's over in his bed snoring and I'm about to join him.

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