Monday, January 26, 2009

Nick and JoAnn come to Dallas

It was a fast weekend that included: Fri: a hamburger and rootbeer at Del's in Richardson (a small, old place that makes great hamburgers and offers lots of "Texas" atmosphere), Sat. Breakfast at Hubbards in Garland (another old place where the main attraction is the cute, young servers) then a 75 mile drive over to Canton to visit the Shireys, Sun: out to DFW for a one hour visit with Greg (who was enroute from Virginia to San Diego) next lunch at Steak and Shake...then the bro and sis were off to Houston...I slept the remainder of the afternoon.
Nick, JoAnn and I stayed at Eddie's..his home is much larger than ours ...he had to go to Austin Fri. am but returned late Sat. night in time to have a little time with Nick and JoAnn. Herk also spent a lot of time with was a nice weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't figure out who the cute girl was or the fellow at the airport. Herk and Karen look great. I think that is a really good picture of them. Aunt Joann looks like she's still got some spunk to her. Love you


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