Monday, December 8, 2008

On a more somber note

While we go about living our "normal" life (so to speak) we sometimes forget what life is like eleswhere. In places where America's own sons, husbands, fathers and yes, even mothers, are "living" their everyday lives...we should remember them . I received the following in an email and felt it should be passed on

Look at the soldier standing upright and alert while everyone else runs. Adding to the chaos of the bombing was a shooter, targeting people in the crowd. Amid all the Iraqis who are running from the gunfire was a U.S. Soldier, standing tall and looking in the direction of the gunshots, not looking for cover. The first picture shows it all. The kid's face shows he is scared to death, and he's running to the safest spot he can find:

.......this soldier who stands between him and danger. It would be difficult to stage a picture that provides a more potent metaphor for the role played by the United States in this world. "Only 2 defining forces have ever offered to die for you.....Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.
Eternity is forever, it just happens to begin on earth."

1 comment:

  1. That is an amazing picture. We sometimes do forget and seem sheltered here. Thanks for the reminder. Love you, Barb


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